THANK YOU, Books - Art Book Fair


Poster Design: Xinyu Zhang 海报设计:张馨予

Poster Design: Xinyu Zhang 海报设计:张馨予

Time: Thanksgiving Weekend
          November 23, 11 am–9 pm
          November 24, 11 am–6 pm

Thanksgiving Party: November 23, 6 pm-–9 pm

Location: Fou Gallery, 410 Jefferson Avenue, #1, Brooklyn, New York, NY 11221

In the wonderland where people and animals walk side by side, the teenager walks aimlessly. This seemingly surreal journey comes from the memory that Woshibai grew up in the suburbs of Shanghai. Under the lens of Wuchao Feng, the old streets of Ningbo, which are about to disappear, are resurrected. The three-city flea market, Liangzhu Cultural Park, Chenghuang Temple, Zhongshan Park, Xiushui Street, about to be demolished, are full of human feelings. Breathe, just like live water. Japanese artist Saki Matsumoto and Czech writer Anna Bobrekováwalks in the forests of the Czech Republic. The white little foxes, the Inari, which symbolizes the harvest in Japanese folklore, are invited to participate in the Czech Spring Festival Masopust and go to feast with the gods of the Czech forest. The egg farmer was hailed, but unexpectedly turned into a god. Diane Zhou used the image recognition character system to interpret family photos and inspired. Shaoshaung Guan’s Prince Nezha's Triumph Against Dragon King tells a Chinese folk story in her own language. Haesoo Jeong’s visual memoir Swimming in Concrete is about how a young girl is discovering herself. Dana Stirling's Dear Artist - We Regret To Tell You collects the rejection letter she has received, not angry, but more about self-commenting, ridiculing and reflecting on the identity of the artist.

Every book is a small universe. Each book contains the whimsy of the artist.

Thanks for books, let us no longer feel lonely in this lonely planet; thank the bookmakers, let us echo at different times.

During the Thanksgiving holiday (November 23 to 24), welcome to Fou gallery to participate in the art book fair, thank you for the joy of reading, choose a special gift for yourself, and those who want to thank for. At the book fair, we will showcase a series of discount art books donated by Waymont Books, as well as artists’ books submitted by artists and independent publishers. All products at Fou Shop will be 10% off as well.

Thank you for building a community together!

人和动物并肩行走的奇妙世界里,少年漫无目的地行走,这看似超现实的旅程来源于我是白在上海郊外成长的记忆。而在另一位在城市中漫游的旅居者冷酷仙境的镜头下,快要消失的宁波老街复活过来,三市旧货市场、梁祝文化公园、城隍庙、中山公园、快要拆迁的秀水街充满了人情气息,宛若一摊活水来。日本艺术家Saki Matsumoto和捷克作家Anna Bobreková则在森林中行走,白色的小狐狸们——日本民俗神话中象征丰收的稻荷神(Inari)——被邀请参加捷克春节Masopust,与捷克森林的神灵们共赴盛宴。蛋农被冰雹砸中,却出乎意料地变成了神灵,Diane Zhou用图像识别字符系统解读家庭照片,萌生了灵感。管韶爽的《哪吒闹海》则用自己的语言讲述了一个中国耳熟能详的民间故事。Haesoo Jeong的视觉传记《在混凝土中游泳》是一个小女孩探索自己内心的故事。Dana Stirling的《亲爱的艺术家,很抱歉通知您》则收集了她曾收到过的拒绝信,无关愤怒,而更多的是对艺术家身份的自我梳理,调侃和反思。



感恩节假日期间(11月23日至24日),欢迎来否画廊参加艺术书展,感谢阅读的喜悦,选择特别的礼物赠送给自己,和要感谢的人。在书展上,我们会展出由Waymont Books捐赠的一系列折扣艺术书籍,以及艺术家和独立出版机构提交的艺术书,同时否商店也将全场九折。

Waymont Book捐赠折扣艺术书籍

《亚洲艺术:材料,技术,风格》Thames & Hudson,2005 $10
《耶路撒冷博物馆的印象派和后印象派的雕塑及绘画》Harry N. Abrams出版社,2006 $10
《山水清明——王翚的艺术》耶鲁大学出版社 $20
《欧洲小众博物馆》Scala出版社,2006 $20


Xiang Yata / 象牙塔《囚禁》ParadiseSystems独立出版 $10
Woshibai 我是白《Migraine 偏头疼》ParadiseSystems独立出版 $7
Diane Zhou / 周葭葭《Ellipsis眉心》ParadiseSystems独立出版 $8

Artists’ Books 艺术家书

Shaoshuang Guan / 管韶爽《Nezha Conquers the Dragon King 哪吒闹海》插画 $20
Heide Hatry《Not a Rose 不是一朵玫瑰》摄影集 $38
Julianne Nash《Agglomeration 凝聚》手工书,激光切割封面,独版 $1000
Dana Stirling《Dear Artist - We Regret To Tell You  亲爱的艺术家——很抱歉通知您》手工书,150版 $45
Saki Matsumoto and Anna Bobreková《The Lost Spring 遗失的春天》独立出版,250版 $20
Wuchao Feng / 冷酷仙境《Flowing Water 活水来 》摄影,5版以下 $40
Haesoo Jeong《Swimming in Concrete 在混凝土中游泳》独立出版,500版 $35