UNTITLEDdialogue 10 未命题对话: 第二故乡 Second Hometown

Time: February 10th(Sunday), 16:00 – 18:00, 16:00 – 18:00 with free admission

Location: Ran Teahouse, 269 KENT AVE.(BTW S1 STR. and S2 STR.), BROOKLYN, NY, 11211.

On February 10th (Sunday 16:00-18:00), the first day of Chinese New Year, the tenth UNTITLEDdialogue will invite three curators to talk about the non-profit art organizations they found or support in their second hometowns. It will be followed by a panel discussion, exploring issues related to blurring boundary between East and West, the controversial community-based art practices, new countryside laboratory and alternative organizations that don't belong to the commercial / non-commercial dichotomy. The event is free to the public. After the event, there will be a Chinese New Year party (18:00-22:00), hosted by Ran Teahouse and Spicy Bampa Restaurant. With $15 co-pay, you can enjoy a authentic Chinese-style buffet. The proceedings will be used to support the future free public programming of UNTITLEDdialogue.

Many of us have complex feelings about being here as opposed to being there; of being at home as opposed to being away. The term "nostalgia" comes from a Greek compound that means "homecoming" and is normally associated with a sentimental longing for one's birth place. However, UNTITLEDdialogue: Second Hometown will discuss an opposite phenomenon - nostalgia of the second hometown.

In the first part of the dialogue, American-born curator Jay Brown (正杰) will introduce Lijiang Studio, an artist-in-residence-program that he co-founded in 2005 in Lashihai, a farming village in the mountains of Yunnan, China. The Lijiang Studio assumes that when half the world's population lives outside of cities, something can be learned from participating in rural Chinese agricultural life. The farmland and the society here become a laboratory for interacting with and challenging the modern, urban mode of living. Taiwan-born curator and art critic CHEN Wei-ching, Joanne (陳韋晴) will talk about inCube Arts, a non-profit art organization she founded in New York and its first project 2013 inToAsia Time-based Art Festival. Native New Yorker Josie Browne (白橋希) will present Telescope, an alternative space located in Caochangdi Art Village, Beijing. Telescope was founded by U.S artist and curator James Elaine (林杰明) and received generous support from Beam Contemporary Art, where Josie served as a co-founder and director. In the second part, three curators will have a panel discussion, addressing topics such as art interventions in public spaces, alternative modes of urban living and the blurring of distinctions between non-commercial and for-profit practices.

About the Speakers and Projects:

Jay Brown 正杰 (founder of Lijiang Studio): Jay studied Chinese language, the history of Chinese art, and contemporary art at Princeton University. Since then, he has worked for the National Palace Museum in Taipei, the National Gallery of Art in Washington, the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and The Nature Conservancy's China Program in Kunming. In 2004, with Chinese painter Mu Yuming Jay co-founded Lijiang Studio, a artist-in-residence-program in Lashihai, a farming village in the mountains of Yunnan, China, where farmers, scientists, artists, students, workers, professionals and amateurs to work together on their processes of learning. (http://www.lijiangstudio.org/)

CHEN Wei-ching, Joanne 陳韋晴 (founder of inCube Art): Joanne is an advisor, independent curator and widely published critic. She is the former Marketing Director of Taiwan Art Gallery Association and ART TAIPEI Art Fair from 2007 to 2010. In 2011, she founded inCube Arts in New York. It is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to fostering new forms of cultural exchange and creative expression through exhibitions, art festival, artist/curator residencies and public lectures. In August 2013, inCube Arts will launch inToAsia: Time-based Art Festival, an annual public event for New Media Art in New York in four exhibition locations. (www.incube-arts.org)

Josie Browne 白橋希(founder of Beam): Josie received her MFA degree from Cranbrook Acedemy of Art. She was the director of Max Protetch Gallery for 15 years. There she organized the first major gallery shows in the US for many Chinese artists such as Zhang Huan, Zhang Xiaogang, Hai Bo, Li Yousong, Sun Xun, Chen Qiulin and Qiu Jiongjiong. In 2011, she founded Beam with Kristi Jernigan, a long-time and committed collector of art. A contemporary art advisory, artist representative and online gallery with a focus on China, Beam also provides grants to organizations and individuals who aim to serve the community with public activities and programmings. (http://www.beamcontemporaryart.com/)

James Elaine 林杰明 (founder of Telescope): James was an artist and adjunct curator for the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles, where he curated or oversaw more than 80 solo projects and 3 large survey exhibitions for emerging artists. In 2008, he received a grant from Asia Cultural Council and moved to China, where he researched China and Asia's emerging artists. In 2011, he founded Telescope, a non-profit styled project space located in Caochangdi Art Village, Beijing, with the aim to serve the emerging artists and art communities of China. The inaugural exhibition is a solo show of artist Deng Tai, who passed away unexpectly at the young age of 24 in 2012. Telescope established a philanthropic fund in his name and donate 100% from the sale of his work to help other emerging artists of China with special needs.


時間:2月10日 (星期日), 16:00 - 18:00, 免费

春节派对(18:00 - 22:00), 门票$15,含自助餐

地點:冉茶社, 269 KENT AVE.(BTW S1 STR. and S2 STR.), BROOKLYN, NY, 11211.


2月10 日(星期日)16:00-18:00,第10期未命題對話將邀請三位策展人介紹自己在第二故鄉創辦或資助的非盈利性質的藝術机构——Jay Brown(正杰)和麗江工作室(雲南拉市海),James Elaine (林杰明)/ Josie Browne (白橋希)和望遠鏡藝術空間(北京草場地)以及CHEN Wei-ching, Joanne(陳韋晴)和inCube Arts(紐約)。幾位創始人將共同探討在當下諸多爭議的話題——如傳統東西方二分法的局限,基於社區的藝術實踐,新農村實驗室以及打破盈利/非盈利界限的新型組織。本次活動免費對公眾開放。

正值春節,我们还將呈現一場春節派對(18:00-22:00),邀請一直以來支持未命題對話的朋友前來參加。本次活动由布魯克林區的望江樓餐廳(Spicy Bampa)贊助,花費$15,您便可享受到一頓豐盛的自助餐,在輕鬆愉快的氛圍中和朋友一起慶祝新年。活動所得將用來支持未命題對話未來的公共活動。

活動的第一部分,三位策展人將介紹自己在第二故鄉發起或支持的藝術項目。2005年,美國策展人Jay Brown(正杰)在雲南麗江拉市海的吉祥村成立了「麗江工作室」。工作室位於麗江縣城西部約二十裡,坐落于群山之間,位居納西、普米、傈僳、彝、白、漢、藏等多民族混合聚居的邊陲地帶,已邀請200多名藝術家、研究人員、科學家和各領域的工作人員來到拉市海區域的鄉村工作。他們通過研究當地的生態、文化環境,與本地人碰撞交流,創作作品,力圖通過這一共同體驗對參與者造成改變。麗江工作室也是一個立足鄉村的實驗室,探討城市/農村兩極分化的今天,現代化和新農村建設的另一種可能性。臺灣策展人CHEN Wei-ching, Joanne(陳韋晴)將會介紹自己在紐約成立的非盈利機構「inCube Arts」以及今年8月在紐約推出的第一屆以亞洲新媒體藝術為主的藝術節「inToAsia: Time-based Art Festival」。紐約出生的策展人Josie Browne(白橋希)將介紹「望遠鏡藝術工作室」,一個位於北京城鄉結合部草場地國際藝術村的非盈利項目空間,旨在支援中國新興的藝術家和藝術社群。創立者James Elaine(林杰明)是資深的美籍策展人和藝術家。望遠鏡獲得了來自白橋希創立的「Beam Contemporary Art」的大力支持。在活動的第二部分,三位元策展人將一起提出討論,探討公共空間的藝術干預,城市生活及現代文明的替代模式,日益模糊的商業/非商業界限等話題。


Jay Brown 正杰 (麗江工作室創始人):正杰就讀于美國普林斯頓大學,主修中文、中國藝術史與當代藝術。在學期間,他與史蒂夫·卡普諾(Steve Caputo)一起創辦了名為「展望」的新式建築競賽,以及名為「派代亞」的「食談會」,邀請學校師生邊吃邊聊。正杰曾在臺北故宮博物院、美國國立美術館、紐約現代藝術館以及三藩市亞洲藝術館工作。二零零二年起,他來到昆明為美國大自然保護協會中國項目部工作,並於二零零四年二月和畫家木玉明一起創辦了麗江工作室。麗江工作室位於中國雲南省麗江市拉市海地區一個名叫“吉祥村”的小村莊,定期邀請藝術家、研究者、學生、以及各個領域的工作者與當地居民一起實驗,力圖通過這一共同體驗對所有參與者造成改變。

CHEN Wei-ching, Joanne 陳韋晴 ( inCube Art創始人): 陳韋晴出生於臺灣,現居紐約。她是一位獨立策展人、策展人,並為多家藝術雜誌撰寫藝術評論。她在2007-2010年期間擔任臺灣畫廊協會暨臺北國際藝術博覽會行銷總監。她于2012年創辦inCube Arts,旨在建立一個藝術文化資源和資訊開放的流通平臺。2013年8月,inCube Arts將於紐約舉辦第一屆以亞洲新媒體藝術為主的藝術節 - inToAsia: Time-based Art Festival,于四個不同展場同時展演,邀請臺灣、香港、中國大陸、日本、韓國、印度、印尼、泰國、越南等國家和地區的藝術家和策展人參與。

Josie Browne 白橋希(Beam Contemporary Art創始人): 白橋希在克蘭布魯克藝術學院獲得藝術史碩士學位。曾在Max Protetch畫廊擔任畫廊總監長達15年,為許多中國當代藝術家舉辦了他們在美國的首展,包括張洹、張曉剛、海波、孫遜、陳秋林、邱炯炯等。2011年,她與收藏家/金融家Kristi Jernigan一起成立了Beam,一個關注中國新興藝術家的藝術諮詢,藝術家代理及線上畫廊服務。Beam也為許多著眼于公共社區建設的非營利機構和公益項目(包括望遠鏡在內)提供資金支援。

James Elaine 林杰明 (望遠鏡創始人):林杰明曾在洛杉磯的漢摩美術館擔任藝術家和策展人,策劃了80余個展覽和項目。2008年,他獲得亞洲文化基金會的資助,來到中國,研究中國和亞洲的新興藝術家。2011年,他在北京草場地村發起了望遠鏡藝術工作室,一個非盈利項目空間,推廣和支援新興藝術家與中國藝術社群。開幕首展推出鄧泰的個展。這位年僅24歲的藝術家于2012年7月突然辭世,至今仍震撼著所有熟識他的人。望遠鏡成立了一個以他為名的慈善基金,所有作品銷售和募款所得將被用於資助有需要的新興藝術家。